
  • Provide full written reviews of movies, music, television and games from a christian perspective
  • Periodic posting of written rating in respect to review of movies, music, television and games from a christian perspective using a descending scale technique.
  • Provide written rating per request
  • Provide radio and television entities with abbreviated rating review
  • Provide schools with bi-monthly review of new and most popular entertainment choices
  • provide review and ratings to individuals, television and radio stations, schools, churches etc. through Unveiling the Truth Bi-monthly Newsletter
Unveiling the Truth
Christian Ratings on Entertainment
Our Services

Our ratings are made by a panel of Christian reviewers and based solely and strictly on the unadulterated law, of God, as recorded in the King James version of the Holy Bible. To insure the integrity of our ratings and to reiterate the nature of our divine mandate, we have pledged to boldly and diligently work and complete our assignments without compromise giving glory only to God.
What Christians must be certain of is that, what they view as harmless is taken very serious in the demonic realms of the supernatural and are not to be toyed with. Many television shows that are currently being viewed, week after week, are seducing the spirits of man into harmful and damaging patterns of behavior that are contrary to God’s word and  have a negative impact on those around them.
The rating scale of Unveiling Truth is:

___ NDIR (no demonic influence evident-Christian presentation or very mild secular presentation.)

___ LDIR (little demonic influence- undertone probably unnoticed by the average eye)

___ NDINF (no demonic influence evident-Christian presentation or very mild secular presentation.     Not recommended for other overwhelming factors)

___ HDIN (High degree of demonic influence-not recommended-demonic infiltration highly offensive and most likely)

___ ODIN (overwhelming degree of demonic influence-absolutely not recommended-risk of demonic infiltration alarming and dangerous)

“Exposing Hidden Demonic Undertones and Influences in Entertainment”
Our Rating scale is to be used to make viewing choces relative to the "spiritual content" of a movie only. On movies etc. where there are no "spiritual" objections but highly objectional for other reasons, we usually provide ratings from another reliable Christian rating company.